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Again...we went to batu marang to see if there's any fish left hehe..well i wud say it wasn't a very succesful one, coz for 5 hours we didn't catch anythin except bro's fren, duan, caught this gelama on the very last minit (tym org ngantuk sdh kn tdur n abis sdh umpan) i ges the water was just ryt late that advices to angler's out there cek ur tide b4 going off fishing

Hello pepol..sorry btah kn update our blog bangas tia sdh been busy lately with UBD nway this is our first trip aftr coming back from UK holiday (ME n Mirul) the crew went to Batu marang that nyt...our frens came along as well and ges who's the lucky one? that's ryt.... syfullah, our fishing veteran who just finished his degree in the UK, caught a sembilang...he was the only one who caught a fish that nyt...congrats syfullah hehe

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