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I have returned to mess this blog with more of my writings haha...This is the latest add to our fishing chronicles, Chronicles of Riddick abis dah, Fish Buster chronicles lagi. Last Wednesday, me and Aizo had this random plan of fishing at the Handicraft centre...Kmarin jua tu ah . Anyways back to the headlines, unpacked, and went to action straight away. We also did some bottom-fishing with kembura as bait. There were few bites on the kembura despite our rods were going crazy and bending at some points, but nothing was caught. Ada plg...haha...colourful 'rainbow trouts' has its vast numbers here, don't worry there are lots of varieties, First emporium, Huo Ho, red, green, yellow, black, all present hehe....I'd really have to say these plastic bags give quite the fight too haha...most that we did in the trip was casting trying our lucks as we heard so many stories of the capture of the BARRAMUNDI...why not try our luck too by casting. Aizo and me started casting as soon as we were done setting our bait rods. Our first session attempt was unproductive except for 'trouts' making the majority,so we gave it a rest. We continued on after a while, changing lures, and we casted again at several points of the area. Finally I got a very sudden fight on my rod. I have to say, this chap really gave me a fight, thinkin that it is a Barramundi, it was joyful, as I reeled in slowly haha could it be? but why is it so long and slender? haha it was the Barramundi's brother from another mother haha a Barracuda. That's my first Barracuda. Haha this really raised our casting spirits back...unfortunately that was the only fish we got on the trip, we ended our trip about 7 coz we couldn't stand those little blood sucking vampires circling our heads looking for chances to strike.

It was a productive trip, especially on the casting side. Hey at least you know you're investment is worth it. Ironicly, early in the trip me and Aizo had this question, even having the thought there are none present in these waters haha.. "Ada Barracuda kah di sini ani?" haha our doubts really got answered alright, haha the Aizo ready to have more trips here hehe...thx for the pics

Written by: KazMir
Pictures : Aizo


Congratulations mirul for catching the are now one step closer of becoming fish buster's next top buster hahhaa

February 14, 2008 at 9:23 PM  

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