The long await for a bite effect
Last monday afternoon we went to Serasa for another casting session. Aizat, Razi and Salir went earlier then I did so they were already there about 530ish. I came there about 6 coz I had a class before that which ended at 530. Anyways, about the trip, it was another dry trip that time. None of us caught any fish with our casting lures and not even any nibbles. With the kirikan and kembura Razi had some nibbles but no fish was landed. Eventhough there were some splashes from the fishes in the water but not one bite on our lures, I guess they're too full to devour and get seduced by the enticing scents and looks of the lures and bait that we had that day. It's fishing, haha it's luck. Better luck next time right 'girls'. haha....... The trip ended a bit early...due to the rain....Hopefully, on the next trips ahead we'll catch something.
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